Vidura’s prediction of Duryadhana’s birth:
Table of Contents
Duryodhana birth story:
Facts about Duryodhan:
Vidura’s prediction of Duryadhana’s birth:
Seeing this,Vidurtold King Dhritarashtra that this son of yours will definitely destroy the family, so you should abandon this son, but due to the affection of the son, Dhritarashtra could not do so.
Mahabharatais considered as the 5th Veda. It is said that there is no such knowledge on earth which is not mentioned in Mahabharata. All the knowledge from science, medicine to astrology and vastu is present in the stories of Mahabharata. One of its characters wasMahatma Vidur.He was the child of a Brahmin maid and Maharishi Veda Vyasa. He is also considered to be the incarnation of Dharmaraja i.e. Yama.
Mahatma VidurDhritarashtra and Pandu’s younger brothers are considered. Vidur was the first person who advised Dhritarashtra at the time of Duryodhana’s birth that this child should be killed because there has not been a single auspicious moment at the time of his birth, all the bad things have happened. Only this child will destroy our clan. But Dhritarashtra did not listen to him.
He was the General Secretary of Dhritarashtra and was also a very scholar in politics. He also solved problems with his policies on several occasions in Mahabharata.Vidurhas explained many policies. Those policies were not only useful in those times, but still hold great importance today. If those policies are taken care of, then man can easily find a solution to any problem.