Christ the Redeemer Facts and Images.
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Christ the Redeemer Facts and Images.

Christ of the Redeemer:

One of the world’s tallest statues, Christ the Redeemer is a colossal statue of Jesus Christ installed on Mount Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This statue is a symbol of reverence for Christians in Brazil. This statue was built in the session 1922 AD-1931 AD.

The first idea to design a giant statue of Christ in Rio came in the 1850s, when a local priest came up with the idea of building a Christian monument atop Mount Corcovado. For this, he requested (the daughter of the then Emperor Pedro II and the Princess Regent of Brazil) to fund his project. But the princess ignored it and when Brazil became a republic in 1889, it was completely denied because it would be against secularism.

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It was not built until after the First World War. In 1921 the idea was revived by the Catholic circle of Rio and to support its construction an event called Semana do Monumento (“Monument Week”) was organized, mostly attended by Catholics. . After this a giant statue of Jesus was expected to be placed on top of a mountain in Rio. It was then requested that the statue of Jesus be placed on top of Mount Corcovado so that it could be seen from anywhere in Rio de Janeiro. This statue showed Rio the way to regain Christianity.
Several designs were collected for the statue of Christ but in the end the statue of Christ the Redeemer with open arms was chosen which was also a symbol of peace. Its construction started in 1922 and was completed by 1931 and was opened to the general public on 12 October 1931.
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Facts of Christ the Redeemer:

  1. The 1920s statue was commissioned by a group called the Catholic Circle of Rio. It took about 9 years to build this idol, its construction work started in 1922 and was completed by 1931.
  2. This majestic statue is the largest Art Deco statue in the world with a base of 9.5 meters, height of 130 feet and width of 98 feet.
  3. It cost about US $ 250,000 to build this statue, which was donated by the Catholic Christians of Brazil.
  4. There are seven wonders of the world, one of which includes the statue of Christ the Redeemer, which was included in the Seven Wonders of the World on July 7, 2007.
  5. This statue is located on the top of the Corcovado mountain in the Tijuca Forest National Park, with the total weight of the statue being about 635 tonnes.
  6. The stones used to make the statue of Christ were brought from Sweden.
  7. There were many designs for Christ the Redeemer but the design that was chosen shows that Christ loves all and that he would embrace those who come to him.
  8. This statue is situated on the top of the Corcovado Mountain, in the Tijuca National Forest of Brazil, where railway facilities have been provided for tourists to reach. Which was built in 1882 by Emperor Dom Pedro II to reach the top of the mountain.
  9. The idol was damaged by a storm and lightning on 10 February 2008. The fingers, head and eyebrows of the idol were damaged, which were later repaired by the government.
  10. The statue was sculpted by French sculptor Paul Landowski and designed by local engineer Heitor da Silva Costa.
  11. Christ the Redeemer is considered a symbol of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil.
  12. Christ the Redeemer is the 5th largest statue of Jesus in the world.
  13. The statue is made of strong concrete and soapstone which provides strength to the statue.
  14. The cost of the statue in 1931 was approximately US$250,000, which is equivalent to about a million US dollars today.
  15. The idol was constructed in pieces and later taken to the top of the mountain to be erected.
  16. The right hand of Christ the Redeemer is facing south Rio de Janeiro and the left hand is facing north Rio de Janeiro.
  17. Christ the Redeemer is lit each night with approximately 300 energy-efficient LED lights. Due to these lights, the idol can be seen even from a distance. The idol is illuminated with green and yellow colored lights.
  18. The Christ idol is believed to depict a cross but it is also said to be in a hugging posture.
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