How to reach Shri Ashtalakshmi Temple?
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How to reach Shri Ashtalakshmi Temple?

Shri Ashtalakshmi Temple:

Mahalakshmi,the goddess ofLord Vishnu, is considered the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Everyone wants to pleaseMother Lakshmiand call her home.Mata Mahalakshmiis the goddess of happiness and prosperity. There are many famous temples ofMata Mahalakshmiin India where lakhs of devotees from all over the country and abroad keep on visiting them.
Shri Ashtalakshmi Temple

Although there are many beautiful temples ofLakshmijiin the country, theAshtalakshmi templebuilt on the Adyar beach in Chennai is very special. The temple is dedicated to the eight forms ofGoddess Lakshmidynasty, success, prosperity, wealth, courage, valor, food and knowledge.

Apart fromGoddess Lakshmi, there are also idols of 10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu, Ganeshji and many other goddesses. In this temple, idols of Lakshmi are installed in the forms of Mahalakshmi, Dhanalakshmi, Shanta Lakshmi, Vijay Lakshmi, Gajalakshmi, Adilakshmi, Dhirelakshmi and Dhyana Lakshmi. The worship of these forms ofLakshmijigets fruits according to their names only.
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The eight forms ofGoddess Lakshmiare enshrined in the temple complex in 8 separate chambers in 4 floors, of whichGoddess Lakshmialong with Lord Vishnu are seated on the second floor of the temple.

Temple built in the shape of Om:

Mata Ashtalakshmi Temple, located in Chennai, is dedicated to all forms of Goddess Lakshmi. There are 8 forms ofGoddess Lakshmi,hence it is known asAshtalakshmi Temple. According to folk beliefs, devotees get wealth, learning, wealth, power and happiness by visiting Ashtalakshmi here. The temple is very beautiful from outside. Like other temples in South India, this temple is also a huge dome.
Ashtalakshmi Temple Timing.

Who got the temple constructed:

The construction of the temple was started in 1974. This temple was built by a committee headed by Niwas Varadcheriyar. From 5 April 1976, duly worshiped started in this temple.

Nature of the temple:

This temple is 65 feet long and 45 feet wide. It is a three-storied temple, surrounded by huge courtyards. The architecture of the temple is derived from the Sundararaj Perumal Temple at Uthiramerur. In 2012, the temple was renovated. A total of 32 Kalashas were newly built in the temple, including the 5.5-feet high gold-plated Kalash atop the sanctum sanctorum.

Lotus flowers are offered in the temple:

All the idols ofGoddess Lakshmihave been installed on different floors in the Ashtalakshmi temple with huge dome.
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The worship begins here on the second floor, where the idols of Goddess Mahalakshmi and Mahavishnu are kept.

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On the third floor are Shanta Lakshmi, Vijay Lakshmi and Gajalakshmi. Only the statue of Dhanalakshmi is installed on the fourth floor. Also on the first floor are the pilgrimage sites of Adilakshmi, Dhirelakshmi and Dhyan Lakshmi.

All statues are visible when they move in clockwise direction. Finally there is the Navam Temple, dedicated to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi.

Devotees seeking the happiness of married life do not go without seeing it. There is a tradition of offering lotus flowers here.

Ashtalakshmi Temple Timing:

The temple opens at 6.30 am and closes at 12 noon. After this, the temple remains open from 4 pm to 9 pm. From Friday to Sunday the temple is open till 1 pm.

How to reach Ashtalakshmi Temple:

Ashtalakshmi Temple is located in Besant Nagar, Chennai. Buses to Besant Nagar are easily available from Chennai Central or from every corner of the city. The temple is also located half a kilometer from the bus stop.

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