Shani Dev(Saturday) Fasting Story.
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Shani Dev(Saturday) Fasting Story.

Saturday(shanidev) vrat katha:

According to Agni Purana, Shanidev is worshiped on saturday.

Saturday(shanidev) vrat katha

Katha is as fallows

At one time, who is thegreatest in heaven? There was a dispute between the nine planets on this question. All the gods came to Indra for the decision, and said, “O Devraj!” You have to decide who is the greatest of us? Indra was confused listening to the questions of the Gods, then he spoke to everyone to go to theKing Vikramadityain the earth.

All the planets reached the court of king Vikramaditya. When the planets asked their question to King Vikramaditya, he also got upset for some time because all the planets were great due to theirown powers. Giving small or big to anyone could have been a great loss due to the wrath of their anger.

After thinking on this, He arranged seven thrones. These thrones were made from Gold, Bronze, Brass, Tin, Zinc, Mica, & iron respectively. The Thrones were put by numbers The Gold throne was put in number one Then the King Vikramaditya requested the throne of his own selection God Surya (Sun) was in the gold chair.

When the seven gods had sat in the chair of their own selection, Vikramaditya said, “Now, according to your throne you will decide your own rank and none can thrust my judgment upon you.” Hearing to this, God Shani (Saturn ) stood up and said to King Vikramaditya, “You are the lowest among the gods. You do not know my power Sun can stay on a zodiac (Rashi) for one to two months, Marsh for half and one month, Jupiter for maximum thirteen months, Mercury and Venus for one month only. Rahu & Ketu for eighteen months But only me who can rule a Zodiac from two and a half years to seven and a half years. This period is called “sade sathi” Due to this saddle, the period powerful god too trembled. When I was angry on Rama then he got banishment instead of throne Now be ready for it’s turn. ”

After a very short time, the “Sade Sathi” period was occupied by Shanidev on Zodiac of Vikramaditya. From here, the king’s saddle began in the period Shani dev went to Vikramaditya’s kingdom as a horse-seller & he had very attractive horses. People who were also praised When King Vikramaditya heard about the strange horses, he sent to Ashawapal to buy a best horse for him and when Ashawapal came with a attractive horse, then king was so pleased to see the horse that he could not stop himself. But, when he was riding on horse, the horse disappeared in the air. After a few seconds He has very tired Due to his kingdom, King Vikramaditya faced many problems This whole problems were created by God Shani dev

He got a shepherd on his way. The king asked for water from him. The king gave his ring to the shepherd, drinking water, and asked him the way out of the forest and went to the nearby town.

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After reaching the city, the king sat at a Seth shop. Sitting on the shop for some time after Raja, Seth sold a lot. Sheth considered the King as lucky and took him to his house food. A necklace of gold in the house of Seth was struck by a peg Leaving the king in that room, Seth went out for a while. There was a surprising event that also happened. The necklace of the peg sleeping swallowed the king. When Sheth saw disappearing, she was stolen He did the job and told his servants to take this foreigner to the ropes and bring him to the king of the city. When Raja asked about the defeat of Vikramaditya, he told that the peg swallowed the necklace. On this the king was angry and wanted to buy them In order to punish Vikramaditya’s hands and feet, the soldiers cut off the hands of King Vikramaditya and left them on the road.

After a few days, a lady picked him up and took him to the house and sat on the crusher. The king kept singing the bulls by giving a voice. In this way the bull’s bull continued and the king got food. The rainy season began on the rainy season One night, Vikramaditya was singing Megh Malhar, only then the princess of the city passed by that house riding on Manhavhana chariot. She heard Malhar then she liked it and sent it by sending the maid Take to calling Khakdasi back to tell everything about Princess cripples King Diakrajkumari was very fascinated by the Cloud Malhar and knowing everything he decided to marry the crippled king.

When the princess said this to her parents, she was astonished. She explained to him much but the princess did not leave her insistence and decided to give up her life. After all, the king and the queen were forced to marry the girl from crippled Vikramaditya After marriage, Raja Vikramaditya and princess started living in the house of Teli. In the same night, in the dream, Shane said to the king – King, you see my outburst. I have punished you for your insult. The king asked Shani to forgive him and prayed- ‘Shani, you have given me pain as much as you have given me, do not give to anyone else.

Shani said, “Rajan, I accept your prayers. Anyone who will worship me, will feed the ants, will remain free of all kinds of troubles and all their wishes will be fulfilled. By saying this, Shani Dev has become distraught.

The king was very happy when he saw his hands open in the morning, and the king was very happy to see his hands and feet. He bowed down to Shani Dev, his mind. The princess also saw the King’s hands and feet drowning in wonder. Then King Vikramaditya introduced himself to Shani Dev The whole story of the outbreak was narrated.

When he got to know about this, he came running and started praying for forgiveness at the feet of King Vikramaditya. Raja Vikramaditya forgave him because he knew that all this was due to Shani’s outburst.Keth, Raja Vikramaditya took his house again and gave it food. During the cooking, there was a surprise incident. Seeing everyone, the peg blew the necklace. Seth also married his daughter along with the king and gave away many gold ornaments, money etc. and released Jaraza.

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When King Vikramaditya returned to his city with the daughter of the Princess Manchhavni and Seth, the residents welcomed him with Harsh. The next day King Vikramaditya proclaimed throughout the state that Shani is the best among all the planets. Every woman and man on Saturday celebrated their fast Do it and listen to the fast tale. Shani Dev was very pleased with the announcement of Raja Vikramaditya. Fasting and fasting for Shaniwar Listen to Shani’s compassion and all the sorrows are gone.p

when king vikramaditya know about this, he felt down at the feet of Sanidev and started asking for forgiveness. King Vikramaditya forgave him because he knew that all this was due to Shani’s outburst. Seth took Vikramaditya to his house again and provided him food. There was a surprising event happening while eating. Seeing all this, the peg blew the necklace. Seth also married his daughter along with the king and gave away many gold ornaments, money etc. and sent the king to the king.

When King Vikramaditya came back to his city with the daughter of the Princess Manchhavni and Seth, the residents welcomed them with Harsh. Next day, King Vikramaditya announced in the entire state that Shani is the best in all the planets. Every woman and man should fast on Saturday and listen to vowels. Saturn was very pleased with the announcement of King Vikramaditya. Saturn’s compassion remains due to fasting on Saturday and listening to fast tales, and all the sorrows of a Jatak are far away.
King Vikramaditya said on this – which will be seen in some fate.

After this the gods of other planets went with happiness, but Shani was away from there with great anger. After a while, when the condition of half a century on King Vikramaditya came, Shani Dev took the form of a horse merchant and with many horses reached the city of Vikramaditya. King Vikramaditya, looking at those horses, picked a good horse for his ride and climbed on it. As soon as the king boarded the horse, he ran at the speed of lightning. The fast running horse took the king away to a desert and then disappeared by placing the king there. The king started wandering in the forest to return to his city but found no way. The king was feeling hungry thirsty. After a lot of fun, he found a shepherd. The king asked for water from him. After drinking water, the king gave his cowboy ring and asked him to go out of the jungle and walk into the nearby town.

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After reaching the city, the king sat at a Seth shop. Seth had a lot of sales with Raja sitting at the shop for some time. Seth considered the king to be lucky and took him to his house food. A gold necklace in Seth’s house was hanging on the peg. Leaving the King in that room, Seth went out for a while. Then only a surprising event happened. The necklace of gold seen in the king’s eyes was swallowed. When Seth saw the missing, he suspected the theft on the king and told his servants to bind the foreigner with the ropes to the king of the city. When Raja asked about the defeat of Vikramaditya, he told that the peg swallowed the necklace. The king was angry on this and ordered the cutting of Vikramaditya’s hands and feet in the crime of stealing. The soldiers cut off the hands of King Vikramaditya and left them on the road.

A few days later, a lady picked him up and took him to his house and sat on the crusher. The king would keep the oxen from giving voice. In this way bull’s bull kept running and the king got food. The rainy season started on the completion of the sixty-seven years of Saturn’s fury. One night, Vikramaditya was singing Megh Malhar, only then the princess of the city passed by that house riding on Manhavhana chariot. When he heard Malhar, he liked it and sent the maid to bring the caller to the call. Returning the maid, the princess told everything about the disabled king. The princess was very fascinated by her Megh Malhar and knowing everything, she decided to marry the disabled king.

When the princess said this to her parents, she was astonished. They explained him a lot but the princess did not leave her insistence and decided to give up life. Eventually, the king-queen was forced to marry Princess Aparkamaditya from the princess. After marriage, they started living in the house of Raja Vikramaditya and Princess Teli. In the dream that night, Shane said to the king- King, you have seen my outburst. I have punished you for your insult. The king asked Shani to forgive him and prayed – “Shani, you have given me pain as much as you have given me, do not give to anyone else.”

Shani said, “Rajan, I accept your prayers. Any woman and woman who will worship me, will listen to the story, which will constantly meditate on me, feed the ants to the ants, she will remain free of all kinds of sufferings and all her desires will be fulfilled. Saying this, Shani became infighting.

In the morning, when the sleep of King Vikramaditya opened, the king was very happy to see his hands and feet. They bowed their heart to Shani Dev. The princess also got drowned in the surprise of the king’s hands and feet.

Then King Vikramaditya gave a introduction to himself and told the entire story of Shani Dev’s wrath.

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